IMPERMANENCE; a solo exhibition of oil paintings by local artist Ahmed Amir opens for viewing

A solo exhibition titled “Impermanence” by talented local artist Ahmed Amir opened today at the National Art Gallery.  The opening ceremony was inaugurated by the mother of the artist. Also in attendance were the Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage, ministry officials and a number of local artisans.   

“Impermanence” has on display 40 oil paintings. Amir uses a pallet knife and oil on his canvas to masterfully bring out the colours and hues found in the natural world. Coupled with poetry by Mohamed Faisal the exhibition is in many ways a tribute to mother nature. Amir describes the exhibition as “It is about a fleeting moment, the impermanence of life and everything around us, from which we seek meaning.”

Through the exhibition Amir hopes to “capture the fleeting moments of time as seen in the movements of clouds, waves and water.” With live music and painting sessions the exhibition will be open with free entrance to all from 10am to 10pm until the 12th of November 2019. Visitors will also be able to purchase a keepsake or memento of the exhibition from the collection of merchandise available, ranging from tote bags to sketchbooks. The exhibition is brought in association with the National Centre for the Arts.